Learn Mindfulness. Embody the Practice.
Teach the Next Generation.

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Continuing Education

  • Teachers and Administrators
  • Nurses
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists (APA)
  • Counselors
  • Marriage & Family Therapists


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Wednesday, October 16th

Day 1: Calm

Professor of Education, Curry School of Education, UVA

  • Hear what’s new and exciting in the research around mindfulness in education and see how mindfulness-based curriculum supports initiatives such as social-emotional learning programs
  • Learn the 3 critical elements you need in mindfulness training and explore the research findings on how classroom mindfulness leads to better learning and student engagement
  • Follow along in a short practice you can do anywhere, at any time, alone or with your students, to cultivate calm and focus

Principal, Doyle Ryder Elementary in Flint, Michigan

  • Hear how the water crisis in Flint, Michigan set the stage for mindfulness to have huge impacts on students, schools, families, and the entire community
  • Learn the steps that Doyle-Ryder Elementary took to introduce mindfulness school-wide, and learn how it’s empowered students to stay calm and take responsibility for themselves
  • Understand the importance of creating a mindful environment over just “doing mindfulness”

Director, Mindsight Institute, NYT Best-selling Author

  • Learn practical tips for how you can communicate with students so that they feel heard and safe, even when a child is experiencing emotional disregulation
  • Dive into what the mind and emotions actually are, and understand what you can do to help kids cultivate the 5 qualities of integration
  • Explore the 3 components of mind training that can lead to longer, happier lives, and learn the benefits of starting mindfulness with yourself

Executive Director, Transformative Educational Leadership (TEL)

  • Explore how justice, mindfulness, and "interbeing" create the groundwork for systemic transformation, and learn small shifts that you can make today to bring change in your life
  • Understand the import role that mindful leadership plays in healthy systems, and learn the foundations of leading for belonging
  • Follow along in a simple guided practice to connect with your body and become aware of your breath, and hear practical tips for bringing mindfulness into your school district

Author, Leader, Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Community

  • Hear 3 myths about the relationship between trauma and mindfulness, and learn what you can do avoid the common pitfalls of each
  • Understand why it’s vital to present mindfulness to your students in a way that takes each child’s history and experiences into account
  • Learn how to recognize non-verbal signs of trauma and take away modifications you can offer for those experiencing challenges in mindfulness

Author, Co-founder, Transformative Educational Leadership

  • Learn about the relationship between Social Emotional Learning and mindfulness and how the two can compliment and enhance each other and your work
  • Understand the importance of adults embodying SEL and mindfulness skills before it can make a change with students
  • Hear insights and practical tips from a longtime field leader on how to integrate mindfulness and SEL skillfully when bringing initiatives into a school setting

Thursday, October 17th

Day 2: Attention

Director, Contemplative Neuroscience for the Mindfulness Research and Practice Initiative

  • Learn the 3 main systems of attention, and hear how the strengths and vulnerabilities of each show up in the modern learning environment
  • Explore the common challenges to focused attention, and understand how mindfulness can be a consistent tool for combating them
  • Follow along in a mindful breathing exercise and learn how this and other mindfulness practices train each system of attention

Teachers Panel from Mindful Schools

  • Hear from 4 different educators from Mindful Schools about the power in resourcing themselves with a strong mindfulness practice
  • Learn simple practices that you can bring into any classroom, and explore the differences between “doing mindfulness” and “being mindful”
  • Hear practical advice for approaching the biggest challenges you might face as you introduce mindfulness to students

Founder and Executive Director, Niroga Institute

  • Learn the 3 elements and benefits of dynamic mindfulness in contrast to a static mindfulness practice
  • Hear the impacts of stress, trauma, and trauma-informed mindfulness on teaching, learning, attention, and the brain
  • Explore mindful movement as an integrated, whole-being practice for healing and learn a simple embodied practice that you and your students can do today

Founder and Guiding Teacher, Peace in Schools

  • Hear about the components, challenges, and successes of the country’s first semester-long for-credit mindfulness course for high school students through Peace in Schools
  • Learn what the initial research and experiential accounts are saying about teenagers who are being exposed to 70+ hours of mindfulness training during the school year
  • Understand the importance of facilitator and teacher training and when creating supportive educational spaces for young people

Education Director, Greater Good Science Center

  • Learn how Social-Emotional Learning, mindfulness, and ethical development all work together to encourage prosocial, whole-person development in young people
  • Understand why we need to bring a cultural lens to mindfulness initiatives in classrooms, and learn practical ways to build relationships with the parents and community in your school network
  • Discover the new resources that Greater Good Science Center is bringing to education professionals and what you can get started with now

Friday, October 18th

Day 3: Resilience

Founder, Center for Healthy Minds

  • Explore the 4 pillars of well-being, and hear how a mindfulness practice can help you be more resilient and effective in the classroom
  • Learn about the unique qualities of the adolescent brain, and understand how mindfulness can have a positive impact on a child's development when its taught at an early age
  • Follow along in a guided practice to anchor yourself in the present moment and regulate your emotions in a healthier way

Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher for Youth

  • Learn why the best thing you can do to support your students is to take care of yourself first
  • Hear how classrooms that foster compassion and inquiry lead to more academic learning
  • Follow along in an embodied mindfulness practice to bring you to the moment right now

Pioneering Self-Compassion Researcher, Author, Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself

  • Learn the 3 components of self-compassion, and how treating yourself with warmth models it for students
  • Hear practical tips and tools for teaching self-compassion and learn how that strengthens resilience
  • Explore the connection between compassion, interpersonal relationships, and social-emotional learning, and follow along in a self-compassion practice to experience it in this moment

Lead Researcher, Compassionate Schools Project

  • Learn how the Compassionate Schools Project is testing out a curriculum that focuses on a child’s whole being, from mindfulness and compassion to physical health and wellbeing, and see how it’s affecting the students
  • Hear about the ripple effect that happens when even a single person begins a mindfulness practice
  • Explore some of the biggest resistance points for many teachers and parents when it comes to mindfulness in education, and how to work with them to build a community that’s ready for mindfulness

Teacher on Special Assignment, SEL and Mindfulness in Pittsburgh Public Schools

  • Learn how Kathy is implementing mindfulness programming throughout her district of 50+ schools, and hear about the students feedback
  • Understand the ground-level challenges of introducing mindfulness to public schools, and hear practical advice for overcoming them
  • Take away a short and simple guided practice that you can use today to help you and your students pause and arrive in the classroom

Saturday, October 19th

Day 4: Compassion

Co-founder of Holistic Life Foundation

  • Discover how mindfulness practice can serve as an alternative to discipline in schools, and the incredible impacts its having on suspension rates in Baltimore schools
  • Learn practical insights for bringing mindfulness, movement, and self-care into schools, and why connection and compassion are keys to making it stick
  • Hear how Holistic Life Foundation is empowering students from elementary to undergraduate, and the impacts mindfulness can have as it ripples out to communities

Developmental Psychologist, Expert, SEL research for children and adolescents

  • Learn what the 5 competencies of Social Emotional Learning are and how they can be intentionally incorporated into educational curriculum
  • Hear why SEL is necessary to promote positive qualities like empathy, compassion and resilience, and why it belongs in schools as secular characteristics to develop in every student
  • Understand how mindfulness can mitigate stress in learning environments and grow compassion and connection among students and staff

Director of Training, Greater Good Science Center

  • Learn the importance of introducing compassion early on into the lives of young people, and more importantly the necessity of having compassion for yourself in a serving role for kids
  • Understand what empathy fatigue is and how to cultivate a well of compassion to prevent burnout
  • Go beyond labeling emotions as "positive" or "negative" and explore emotion as a process that helps us do what we need to do next

Psychologist, Author, President, Center for Adolescent Studies

  • Learn how mindfulness helps adolescents access their inner wisdom as they are transitioning from childhood to adulthood
  • Take away 4 intentional practices that you can use to build open, trusting, and authentic relationships with any teenager you work with, and hear the most common pitfalls to avoid when presenting mindfulness to youth who have experienced trauma
  • Learn the TAP practice, a tool you can use in situations with difficult teen so that you can stay present and be of service to them

Educator and District Administrator

  • Hear how Jill’s school district has been implementing a mindfulness and social-emotional learning program system-wide for 10 years ago and learn the impacts its having now
  • Explore mindfulness and social-emotional learning as tools to bring humanity back into data-driven education
  • Learn how students who are trained in mindfulness and social-emotional learning are setting a precedent for their entire community

Sunday, October 20th

Day 5: Cultural Transformation

Researcher, Children's Stress and Mindfulness Interventions

  • Learn why schools are like an ecosystem, and know the importance of community participation when it comes to mindfulness initiatives in schools
  • Hear ideas for creating equitable, accessible, and culturally responsive mindfulness programs for young people
  • Learn the relational aspects of the classroom that schools can cultivate so that they can develop the “whole child” who thrives in academics and beyond

Teacher, Educational Consultant, Mindfulness and Yoga Instructor

  • Learn simple practices that you can use to teach kids of different ages
  • Hear small things that you can do to make your mindful teaching more culturally-responsive and representative, and understand how to set the stage for real transformation
  • Follow along in a guided practice to simply be where you are and stay present for difficult and important conversations

Meditation Educator, Purpose Guide, Somatic Counselor

  • Explore some of the biggest challenges to mindful education and what you can do to be a more skillful facilitator
  • Learn the impact of mind-body awareness practices for youth and how to make them accessible for all students
  • Learn what culturally-informed mindfulness is, and understand why it’s important to start with a deep understanding of those who you are trying to serve

Director of Mindfulness in Education, New York City Department of Education

  • Learn the components of system-wide mindfulness in schools from the Director of Mindfulness in Education at the New York City Department of Education, and hear practical “north stars” to follow when developing your mindful education program
  • Understand the importance of leadership buy-in and a culturally responsive approach when introducing new programs and trainings into schools
  • Hear how practicing mindfulness together creates a space for colleagues to have an authentic dialogue around challenging systemic issues

Executive Director, Inward Bound Mindfulness Education

  • Hear from IBME’s executive director on the the impact of deep dive meditation retreats for teens, and learn the biggest challenges to adolescent buy-in to mindfulness practice
  • Learn the practical benefits of developing insights around common humanity and self-acceptance
  • Explore diversity, justice, and accessibility in mindfulness and meditation, and think about the dialogues that can happen when each person feels safe

Get Lifetime Access to all Mindful Education Summit Sessions + Bonuses by Upgrading Today!

All 25+ Event Recordings
in downloadable video AND audio format

Typed Transcripts
of all sessions to read along, highlight, and take notes

Deep-Dive Bonus Resources
to help you bring these ideas to life

Guided Meditation Library
to help you practice mindfulness everyday

Continuing Education Hours
Certificate of Completion and access to CE Credits

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Get a 2nd FREE package to gift to a friend or colleague!




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Not sure who to share with? Decide later.

Continuing Education

  • Teachers and Administrators
  • Nurses
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists (APA)
  • Counselors
  • Marriage & Family Therapists


30-Day Happiness Guarantee