Kevelin Jones
Creating a Mindful Culture

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What You'll Learn
Hear how the water crisis in Flint, Michigan set the stage for mindfulness to have huge impacts on students, schools, families, and the entire community
Learn the steps that Doyle-Ryder Elementary took to introduce mindfulness school-wide, and learn how it’s empowered students to stay calm and take responsibility for themselves
Understand the importance of creating a mindful environment over just “doing mindfulness”
About Kevelin Jones
Kevelin and Doyle Ryder Elementary School work with Crim Fitness Foundation to bring mindfulness curriculum to students. To learn more about the organization you can visit their website here.
About Rona Wilensky, PhD
Check out Rona's work at PassageWorks.

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What an amazing and inspirational example to follow. Thank you. You are a hero Mr Jones.
What an amazing inspirational example to learn from and follow. So impressive. Keep it up and spread it out. You are a hero Mr Jones.
Love to see more of these practices across all schools.
Thank you!
Also big thanks for sharing this empowering story! You are doing a great job. Greetings from Austria
Such an honour and priviledge to hear this Principal Jones. With love and light from South Africa. We too sit with similar issues as you were discussing. Hands to heart many more schools can follow this wise way of living, fully present, right here and right now.
What a truly amazing Principal, would love to work with someone like Kevelin. Thank you, keep up the great work.
Bonjour à tous,
Could this video be presented on TV? It is positive and could inspire so many people who are looking for solutions in their own times of crisis.
Thank you and good luck for Mr Jones, staff and children, Flint city and all the people living there. Not forgetting water…
Very Awesome Stuff! Thank you!
I really like the “invitation” to mindfulness approach vs another training–much more effective!!!
Thank you, Mr. Jones. Your presentation is very inspiring.
A very interesting and powerful work Mr. Jones has done,congratulations.
Also, I Find Rona as a Hostess great. Thank you.
I Love this! I was touched when Mr. Jones explained how he works mindfulness into every aspect of the school experience, including reaching out to parents. Taking 20 seconds of silence to gather thoughts before a meeting sounds genius. It seems like it would really help both parties communicate positively regarding a child. It’s amazing. I enjoyed this talk. Please spread this program nationwide.
Love. Love. Love everything about this process that you’re instilling in the future of your community.
It has been truly inspiring listening to your story and how you have transformed the culture of your school Mr. Jones. My hope is that this culture is adopted by all schools. Thank you for sharing.
Mr Jones, you truly embody what it means to be a mindful leader. Thank you for being an incredible presence not only in your community, but for our interconnected world. Your story of bringing mindfulness to Doyle Ryder is an inspiration to all of us and provides a wonderful blueprint for others who wish to bring mindfulness to their schools/organizations/community as well.
Thank you for speaking to the impacts on the whole family – this is great work that you’ve done and continue to do for the entire community of Flint!
Awesome and inspiring!
Amazing, inspiring, thank you Mr Principal for your love an dedication to your students! They are the future of our Nation and we want some improvements in the world! You lead by example which should be a common thing! Let Mindfulness conquer the World!
Love that Mr. Jones uses the term scholars, and that he emphasizes that mindfulness must become a part of life!
I love this. Thank you and keep working toward these amazing goals that you have!!
aquello que mas admiro y rescato es la sabiduría de mr.jones….basada y adquirida desde la experiencia y la confianza en los resultados de practicar e incorporar mindfulness en nuestras vidas.
Thank you !!!
What I most admire and take is the wisdom of Mr. Jones … based and acquired from experience and confidence in the results of practicing and incorporating mindfulness into our lives.
Amazing experience. Congratulation.
Beautiful, eloquent, inspiring, and most importantly – shows how when we embody mindfulness and live compassionately, it is possible to transform the communities in which we live. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you,Mr Jones.You are so inspiring!God bless you!Keep the good work!
Fantastic to watch this video. So inspiring and drives me further to do what I do.
This was very inspiring. How amazing for all parties involved. I wished I worked at a school with leadership similar to this.
This was INCREDIBLY inspiring. Congratulations on your HEARTFELT work and best wishes to you all at Doyle and Rider and Flint in general 🙂
Thank you, Mr. Jones. Your presentation is very inspiring. I’m from central California and have heard about the issues Flint has been having. Prayers go out that these issues get resolved and that the kids and their families have the strength to carry on. I can see how mindfulness is very helpful to all involved.
What has happened in Flint is a national tragedy. I’m amazed and moved by the work being done by students and the compassionate adults who are leading them toward mindfulness practice. Kevelin Jones is an inspiration and I wish him continued energy and peace.
what a human being so beautiful !!! Make school a place where students like to be !!
Very motivating story.
It was so beautiful and inspiring to listen Kevelin Jones! Thank you!
I love this summit already! Thank you.
I wish we had this program in all schools and in my school when I was a kid. The impact , on so many levels , for all involved: is illustrated beautifully in this interview: thanks to you both & bless you all for the good and needed work that you all do❤️
Very informative. Some useful tools.
So encouraged by the administrators in this presentation. They set an example for the exact container needed to facilitate Mindful education throughout the community!
So inspiring and relevant for the world we teach and live in today. Thank you!